Digital Consciousness Enacted Cognition Theory – Social Norms poul goldschadt13 October 2017 HELE ELEVEN MED I UDDANNELSEN Tale-handlinger og kropssprog er en vigtig del af vores kommunikation og forskning...
Digital Consciousness Private investigations poul goldschadt10 October 2017 A private investigator (often abbreviated to PI and informally called a private eye), a private detective,...
Digital Consciousness Goleman poul goldschadt8 September 2017 Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman is a Harvard psychology PhD and author of the best-selling book,...
Digital Consciousness Accent-free-English poul goldschadt26 August 2017 This online UX-Detective Language training for Chinese, Germans and Danes allows you to: * Communicate in English...
Digital Consciousness Do You Have A Porbelm? poul goldschadt26 August 2017 Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the...
Digital Consciousness Betydningsdannelse poul goldschadt17 August 2017 Betydningsdannelse og læring ses i denne sammenhæng som en situeret aktivitet, hvor nye (slægt) deltagere erhverver...