Analog signals are changed into a pulse code consisting of digital signals


This sentence means that analog signals, which are continuous and vary over time, are transformed into digital signals, which are discrete and consist of a series of binary values (i.e., 1s and 0s). The process of converting analog signals into digital signals is called “analog-to-digital conversion” or “ADC”. In this process, the continuous analog signals are sampled at regular intervals, and each sample is then quantized and represented as a digital value. The resulting sequence of digital values represents the original analog signal in a form that can be processed and transmitted by digital systems.

This sentence means that analog signals, which are continuous and vary over time, are transformed into… Ideas!

Analog signals and digital signals are two different ways of representing information.

Analog signals are continuous signals that can take on any value within a given range. For example, an analog signal could represent the continuous variation of a sound wave, or the continuously changing temperature of a room. Analog signals are typically used in applications where it is important to preserve the richness and detail of the information being transmitted.

Digital signals, on the other hand, represent information as a series of binary values, usually represented as 1s and 0s. In a digital signal, the information is discrete, meaning that it can only take on specific, predetermined values. This allows digital signals to be processed and transmitted more easily than analog signals, but also results in a loss of information and the introduction of quantization noise.

Both analog and digital signals can vary with time. In the case of analog signals, the signal values can continuously change with time, representing a continuous variation of the information being transmitted. For example, an analog signal could represent the continuously changing temperature of a room over time, with the signal value at any given moment representing the temperature at that moment.

In the case of digital signals, the binary values can change over time as well, representing a discrete representation of the information being transmitted. For example, a digital signal could represent a sequence of musical notes, where each 1 or 0 in the signal represents a specific note played at a specific time.

In both cases, time is a fundamental aspect of the signals, as the information being represented is changing over time. To summarize, analog signals are continuous and preserve the richness of the information being transmitted, while digital signals are discrete and allow for easier processing and transmission, but can result in a loss of information.