At an early age we formed our personalties through learned strategiesand reactions to our parental figures. Our issues were created around oneof three basic areas: security, control, or approval. We selected lessonsabout security, control, or approval based on thought patterns formed duringchildhood. If you want to discover which type you are on the Enneagram,it will be necessary to be completely honest with yourself. Which was mostimportant to you while you were growing up ó security, control, or approval?Whatever triggered you when you were growing up is causing you to reactthe way you do today. Once you understand where your thought processesoriginate, you can restructure the energy of your personality if youírenot happy with your current direction.
Present Life Regression
Visualize yourself travelling back in this life to an age where youdiscovered you were an individual. Relax and journey back in stime. Seeyourself getting younger amd going back into your childhood. Ask to rememberyour childhood and to return to a time when your personality was forming.Feel your awareness growing stronger as you travel back into your childhood.Ask to remember your feelings and observe the relationships which helpedyou form your personality. Feel yourself going back to the time when yourealized you were an individual. Take a few moments to adjust to your surroundings.Look at your feet, your clothes, and then look at your surroundings. Howdid you wear your hair? How old are you? What is going on?
Bring your parents into focus. At this age of self-discovery, how didyou relate with your parents? Who comes into focus first? What part doesyour family play in your life at this age?
Who else is there? Take a look at your friends. Look for surprises.How did you feel about your friends? How did your friends feel about you?
Now look at yourself at this age. What is your self-image? Look intoyour own eyes and see your inner child’s thoughts. Ask to remember a significantevent which helped you form your personality. Observe everything possible.
Which statement best describes how you felt about yourself when youwere
1. I must be perfect
2. I must help others
3. I am what I do
4. I am different from everyone
5. I donít know enough
6. I am always dutiful
7. I am so happy
8. My strength protects me
9. I am agreeable
Which group of statements best describe your childhood relationshipswith
parental figures and others?
Scroll down this page to look at the lists which describe the9 viewpoints.
* I always had to behave myself.
* What childhood? I always had to be the adult.
* In my fatherís eyes, I had many areas where I needed to improve myself.
* My father didnít waste time blaming me or wanting to punish me foreverything.
* I felt like I was walking on egg shells all the time
* I had to hold in my true desires.
* My father expected me to be perfect.
* I always knew right from wrong.
* Why did I have to be perfect and nobody else seemed to have thisrequirement?
* Even when I was good I needed to be better.
* Others saw me as the model child.
* It didnít matter how I felt, my parents always had the final sayin everything.
* I knew deep down I was always good.
* I loved my father, but I didnít like him sometimes.
* It felt like I was always giving more than Ireceived.
* I went out of my way to be nice so everyone would love me.
* I tried harder to please people when they were disappointed in me,especially my dad.
* Why didnít everyone love me the way I loved them?
* It felt really good to be needed, until they took advantage of mygenerosity.
* I believe I always gave out good advice.
* I was the best friend anyone could ever have.
* Many times I went out of my way to help others.
* There was never enough love for me.
* Others saw me as kind and good.
* I loved my mother, because she helped me believe I could do anythingand everything.
* I always achieved my goals.
* I saw all of my dreams as realities.
* I never really had any true friends.
* My emotions never got in my way.
* White lies were okay.
* I had to be doing something important or worthwhile all the time.
* Everyone commented that I had lots of energy, but I felt likeI needed more to accomplish everything I wanted.
* Nobody knew or loved me for me, they just loved my accomplishments.
* Things didnít happen fast enough. I wanted everything NOW.
* Others seemed to slow me down or get in my way.
* Others admired everything I did.
* No matter how hard I tried, my parents didnít seem to be interestedin me.
* I wanted to know everything about myself, but the more I looked,the less I liked.
* Nobody understood my suffering.
* Nobody loved me.
* My family and friends didn’t let me in.
* I felt all alone most of the time. I didn’t feel good and I didn’tknow why.
* Love was missing from my life and I was helpless to retrieve thatlove.
* Love was missing from my life and I felt helpless.
* I often wished I were dead.
* I hardly remember any happy moments during my childgood, except formy dreams.
* I stuck around because I knew justice would be done.
* I always had my own set of rules.
* Others didn’t see me..
* I loved my parents, but I didnít like the way they wanted me to besometimes.
* I didnít want to get too close to anyone because I didnít like beingcontrolled.
* I wouldnít tell anyone what I was thinking.
* I couldnít learn enough.
* I wanted to know all the facts, possibilities and probabilities andmentally prepared for everything I did.
* I appreciated everything I had.
* Deep down, I knew the world could be a better place.
* It was truly wonderful when I had my own space.
* I liked being one step ahead.
* My thoughts were important to me.
* Daydreaming was my favorite pastime.
* Others saw me as scholarly.
* My father gave me good guidance.
* I was always careful about doing things properly.
* I liked to know how far I was allowed to go.
* I obeyed the rules.
* I had to be certain about everything so I could act responsibly.
* I had a hard time trusting others.
* Often, I imagined what other peopleís reactions would be.
* I liked to get as many opinions as I could and then make my own conclusions.
* I was a good team player because I always did what was expected ofme and I knew how to be fair.
* There was good reason for me to be cautious
* Sometimes people thought I asked too many questions.
* Others saw me as obedient.
* I only remember having fun.
* No matter what I collected, there was always room for more.
* I welcomed challenges, dares and bets.
* People always came to me to play.
* I really knew how to liven things up.
* My mother didnít understand me, but that was okay.
* I knew how to get away from boring people.
* I had at least a million friends, but none of them were what Iídcall close friends.
* I was always good at everything and wanted to do it all.
* I went to great lengths to plan things, and then I wanted to plansomething else.
* I didnít like being pinned down or put on the spot.
* Others saw me as clever.
* I loved my mother, but I was so much stronger than she was.
* Nobody could control me!
* It was up to me to defend myself.
* I protected everyone because they couldnít protect themselves.
* I was never afraid.
* You didnít want to get in my way when I was angry.
* My friends knew who they were.
* I liked a good fight.
* Rules were made to be broken.
* Iíve always been a leader.
* I didnít like cry-babies.
* Sure I wanted love, unless it made me weak.
* Others saw me as fearless and strong.
* My parents were really nice.
* It was a waste of breath to yell or get upset.
* I never minded doing what everyone else wanted to do.
* I had a difficult time making up my mind.
* I could identify with everyone.
* It was much easier to go with the flow.
* There was no use in getting upset.
* I didnít like to have too many choices because it was confusing.
* Everyone had a right to their opinion.
* I didnít mind letting others have their way.
* I wouldnít mind going back to those days.
* Others saw me as easy-going.
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